Projecto User Management

Creating Projecto User Accounts

Note: This help content applies to Projecto Pro version v11.2.00 or later, or customer solutions that have been retrofitted with Wizard Software’s most current user management technology. Contact Wizard Support if you are unsure whether this content applies to your version of Performo.

You create System User accounts for the people who need to log in and participate in the capital project and program processes managed within Projecto.

  • Projecto Pro Users

    • Depending on their specified Roles and privileges, Projecto Pro users may access any or all Projecto modules.
    • Role privileges include individualized access to projects, budgets costs, cash flow, approvals, system settings, user management and more.
  • Projecto Web Portal Users

    • Depending on the Projecto web portals licensed by your organization, web users may have access to the following interfaces through through a web browser, which provide access to a focused subset of project information through a web browser interface.
      • Projecto Project Manager Portal
      • Projecto Executive Portal
      • Projecto Project Requester Portal
      • Projecto Project Overview Portal
      • Projecto Partner Portal
      • Projecto Bids Portal

Sections for this Topic

  1. Create a Projecto Pro Account

  2. Create a Projecto Web Account

Create a Projecto Pro Account

  1. On the Projecto Home Screen, Click the System Menu button at the bottom of the Main Menu to view the list of System Modules.

    Note: You can only access this button if you have Manage Settings privileges in Role Setup.

    PJT System Menu

  2. Click the System Users button to go to the System Users List Screen. PJT System Users

  3. Click the + Pro User button to go to the New User detail screen. PJT Add Pro User

New Pro User Account Screen

  1. The Role field in the Account Information section is required.

    Note: Only Roles with Projecto Pro access will appear on this menu. This is a Role that includes the “FM Access” CanDo.

    PJT Pro Account Role

  2. In the Contact Information section, you must select an Existing Projecto contact or create a new contact. PJT Pro User Contact Info

  3. In the Entities section, select the Entities they can access by checking the appropriate the checkbox(es). PJT Pro User Entities

  4. Click the Proceed button to create their Performo Pro account. Proceed Button A dialog will appear confirming the account creation or displaying any resulting error. PJT Pro Account Created

    A notification is automatically sent to the user via email.

Create a Projecto Web Account

  1. On the Projecto Home Screen, Click the Contacts module from the Main Menu. PJT Contacts Menu

  2. Click on an existing Contact on the Contact List screen to go to the Contact Detail, or click the + Contact button to enter a new person. PJT Add Contact

  3. If creating a new Contact, enter a First Name, Last Name, Company, and unique Email Address in the New Info window. PJT New Contact Info

  4. In the Web Account section, enter the appropriate Role from the menu. PJT Web Role

    Depending on the Projecto web portals licensed by your organization, possible web Roles include:

    PJT Web Role Menu

  5. Click the Create Account button. PJT Create Web User A dialog will appear confirming the account creation or displaying any resulting error. PJT Web Account Created

    A notification is automatically sent to the user via email.