Things You can Do on the Documents List Screen
You use the Document List screen to add, view and edit attached documents. Documents can be receipts for parts purchased, images of work done or to be done, service manuals, repair guides, or any other type of file that you need to facilitate maintenance or manage work orders.
The Documents module consists of two main areas:
- The Document List Screen
- The Asset Detail Screen
- The Asset Detail Screen is divided into eight tabs
- Each tab is a screen that displays category-specific details about the asset.
- The Asset Detail Screen is divided into eight tabs
Tools to Search and Filter Data
There are multiple tools on the List screen to search and filter the Found Set so that you can view exactly the documents you need to.
Find records using:
Go to Detail View |
- Click any Document in the Document List to view and edit Details.
Add a Document
- Click + Document button to open your operating system dialog box.
- Locate and upload the document you want to add.
- The document is automatically added to the Document List screen.
- The Document Title is automatically calculated from the file name and displayed on the Document List screen.
- Files added via the Documents module are assigned to the
type by default.- You can make changes on the Document Detail screen if necessary.
- Click the document record to go to the Document Detail screen.
Print the Document List Report
- Click the Actions Menu button to view the Actions menu.
- Click Documents List Report Option.
- Edit or accept the default report title and click OK to view the print preview screen.
Options on the Print Preview Window
Options on the Print Preview Window
Things You Can Do on the Document Detail Screen
You use the Document Detail screen to enter and edit details about the document as opposed to details in the document... If you want to change details in the document, you upload a new version.
View and edit Document record details
- Title
- Category
- Status
- Info
- Versions
- Log
- Upload a New Version
- Download
- View
- Delete
- The Document Title is automatically calculated and displayed when you upload the document.
- Click the Document Title field to edit the document title.
- Click the Document Category field to choose a value from the list.
- Categorizing documents makes them easier to find in the Documents list.
- Click the Status field to choose a value from the list.
- Giving documents a status makes them easier to manage when there are many documents in the list.
- Click the Description field on the Info tab to enter information about the document.
- Click the Versions tab to view previously uploaded versions of the document.
- Click any version in the list to preview the document in the container field.
- the yellow shading is a visual indicator of the version being displayed.
Click the Log tab to view the list of events.
- The log date-stamps events such as when you upload a new version or when you change the status of a document record.
Click the New Version button to open your operating system dialog box.
- Locate and upload the document you want to add as a version to the document record.
- Uploaded documents automatically appear in the container field for review.
- Click the Download button to open the File Download window.
The File Download Window
- Click Save & Open to a) save the document to the directory in the FilePath field and then, b) automatically open the document.
- Note, this requires that you have an installed application that can read that file type.
- Click the Change File Path button to view your operating system dialog box.
- You can choose any directory you have permission to access.
- The directory you choose will become the default for uploading and downloading in Performo Pro.
- Click the File Name field to edit the document record File Name.
- You can choose any name for the document record... it does not have to be the name of the file that was uploaded.
- Choose a document File Name that makes sense for the situation or use-case scenario.
- Click the Save button to save the document to the default file path without opening a operating system dialog box.
- Click the View button to open the file in a program that is installed on your computer that can read that file type.
- Click the Email button to open the Prepare Email window.
- Enter recipient email addresses.
- Edit the default Subject line if necessary.
- Edit the default body text if necessary.
- Click Send Email to dispatch the notification message and document attachment to the recipients.