Overview of the Parts Module
The Parts module stores details about replaceable components that you purchase and use to complete work orders.
Note that these parts can be added to work orders.
- Parts can be added to work orders on the Parts and Labor tab of the Work Order Detail screen.
- Parts can be added to work orders in the Performo Worker System.
The Parts module consists of two main areas:
- The Parts List Screen
- The Parts Detail Screen
About the Parts List Screen
The Parts List Screen displays a high-level overview of the parts you use on work orders.
The Found Set
Note that the records displayed on the List Screen are referred to as the Found Set. When you use filters to change the records displayed on the screen, you change the Found Set — filters do not delete any Parts or any other data.
Default Found Set for Parts List Screen
- All part records
- Sorted by Part Code
Tools to Search and Filter Data
There are multiple tools on the List screen to search and filter the Found Set so that you can view exactly the Parts you need to.
Find records using:
Things You Can Do on the Parts List Screen
- Create a New Part Record
- Flag Parts
- Clear Flagged Parts
- View and Print the Parts List Report
- Print Bar Code Labels for parts in the Found Set
- View the List of Custom Reports.
- Delete a part
Create a Part Record
- Click + Part to go to a blank copy of the Part Detail screen.
- Enter the information about the part.
- The Part Code must be unique.
- If you enter a Part Code that is already in use, a dialog box will alert you.
- Choose OK to go back to the field and edit the data.
- Choose Revert Field to remove the data from the field and start over.
Flag Parts
You can flag parts on the Parts List. This is useful for creating a Found Set based on specific and particular criteria. Once you have a Found Set consisting of flagged parts, you can work with that particular group of parts. This includes printing and editing part details for example.
Flag parts on the Parts List screen. |
- Click the Flag checkbox to mark that part for future use in the Found Set.
Flag parts on the Parts Detail screen. |
- Click the Find Flag checkbox in the Cost section of the Overview tab.
Create a Found Set of Flagged Parts |
- Use the Part Filters window to create a Found Set of flagged parts.
- Click the Filters button on the Actions bar to open the Part Filters window.
- Click the Flagged checkbox in the Part Filters window to create a Found Set of flagged parts.
- The Found Set will display all flagged parts.
- Note that the Found Set will displays parts that match all the criteria selected in the Parts Filter window which includes the Entity and Warehouse selections as shown in this example.
- Sort the Parts list by the Flag column to see all the flagged parts at the top of the list.
- You can complete this step before or after you use the Part Filters window or other tools to create a Found Set.
- Click the Flag column heading to sort Found Set by the parts you have flagged.
- Constrain the Found Set to show only flagged parts.
- Click the Record Menu button and choose Constrain By.
- Constrain By limits the current Found Set to only those records that match the criteria you select.
2. Choose the Flag Selected option from the Constrain By menu.
- This limits the current Found Set to only flagged parts.
3. The Found Set will be constrained to only flagged parts.
Things You Can Do With a Found Set of Flagged Parts |
Clear Flagged Parts
If you have flagged parts, and you do not need to have those parts flagged anymore, or if you want to flag different parts, you can un-flag all parts, all at once using the Clear Flagged option on the Actions menu.
- Click the Actions Menu button and choose Clear Flagged.
- Clear Flagged does not change the Found Set, but it does remove the checkmark from the Flagged checkbox.
- Click the Reset button to display all parts in the list.
View and Print the Parts List Report
When you print the Parts List report, it is displayed on the Print Preview screen sorted, and sub-sorted the way it appears on the Parts List screen. From, the Print Preview screen, you can save the report to PDF or you can send it to a physical printer if you need a hard copy.
- Click the Actions Menu button and choose Print List Report to open the Edit Report Title window.
2. Edit or accept the default report title and Click the OK button to view the Print Preview screen.
3. Options on the Print Preview Screen
- You can save the report to PDF or send the report to a physical printer if you need a card copy.
Print Bar Code Labels for Parts in the Found Set
You can print an list of automatically-generated bar codes for each part in the Found Set. Options for printing labels include a single column for a roll printer, three rows of labels on a standard 8-1/2 x 11 inch piece of paper in portrait mode, or Avery 5160 labels.
- Click the Actions Menu button and choose Print Labels to open the Print Bar Code Labels window.
2. Choose Roll, Paper, or Avery 5160 to view the Print Preview.
- The Paper option prints 3 columns of 10 labels.
3. Options on the Print Preview Screen
- bar codes are calculated and displayed based on the Part Code field.
- Click the Print icon on the Print Preview screen to send the labels to a physical printer.
View the List of Custom Reports
You can view the list of Custom Reports previously created by Performo Pro users.
- Note that these are reports that users have created on the Custom Reports tab in the Reports module.
- Click the Actions Menu button and choose Custom Report to open the Run Custom Report window.
2. The Run Custom Report Menu displays the custom reports created based on the Parts module.
3. Click the Information icon to view the Parts Export window.
4. The Parts Export window displays the custom report details.
5. Click the Microsoft Excel button to open the File Download window.
6. The File Download Window
- When you use the File Download window, the report data will be formatted and exported to .xlsx format.
- Click Save & Open to a) save the document to the directory in the FilePath field and then, b) automatically open the document.
- Note, this requires that you have an application installed that can read that file type.
- Click the Change File Path button to view your operating system dialog box.
- You can choose any directory you have permission to access.
- The directory you choose will become the default for uploading and downloading in Performo Pro.
- Click the File Name field to edit the document record File Name.
- The document name does not have to be the name of the file that was uploaded.
- Click the Save button to save the document to the default file path without opening a operating system dialog box.
Parts Detail Screen
You use the Part Detail screen to view and edit part information as well as a list of assets that need or use the part.
- Part Detail is divided into two tabs; Overview, and Assets.
- You view and edit part details on the Overview tab
- The Assets tab displays all the machinery where the part is required, used, or needed.
- Parts are added to assets on the Parts tab of the Asset Detail screen.