
Overview of the Assets Module

You use the Assets module to view and edit assets that you are maintaining.

The Assets module consists of two main areas:

  1. The Asset List Screen
  2. The Asset Detail Screen
    1. The Asset Detail Screen is divided into tabs
      • Each tab is a screen that displays category-specific details about the document.

Basic Organization of the Assets Module


About the Asset List Screen

The Asset List Screen displays a high-level overview of assets you are managing.
The assets Performo Pro is displaying in the list is referred to as the Found Set.


Tools to Search and Filter Data

There are multiple tools on the List screen to search and filter the Found Set so that you can view exactly the work orders you need to.

Find records using:

  1. The Global Search Field
  2. The Filters Window
  3. Saved Filters
  4. Constrain-by


Things You can Do On the Asset List Screen

  1. Create a New Asset Record
  2. Go to the Asset Detail Screen
  3. Go to the Asset Setup List Screen
  4. Go to the Master Procedures Screen
  5. Create a New PM Schedule for a List of Assets

Assets Module Reports

Assets Module Report options.

Asset List ReportList of Assets in Found Set sort as displayed on screen
Replacement Costs ReportList of Assets in the Found Set, sorted by replacement year. Includes replacement cost dollar amounts.
History List ReportList of Assets in the Found Set, sorted by System Code. Subtotals the number of work orders and time and materials dollar amounts for each asset
Asset PMs ReportOne page per asset in the Found Set. Includes a list of the PM Schedules for each asset and the next start date scheduled.
Asset Specs ReportOne page per asset in the Found Set. Includes details about the asset.
Asset Service ReportOne page per asset in the Found Set. Includes details about the warranty and maintenance agreement.
Asset Documents ReportOne page per asset in the Found Set. Includes a list of documents attached to the asset.
Asset Meters ReportOne page per asset in the Found Set. Includes a list of meters and readings for all meters attached to the asset.
Asset Moves ReportOne page per asset in the Found Set. Includes a list of places the asset has been moved to over the years. Last move is current location.
Custom ReportsOpens the Custom Report data entry window and displays all the custom reports created for the Assets module.

About the Asset Detail Screen

You use the Asset Detail screens to view and edit details about assets that you are responsible for maintaining.
Assets include everything from rooftop units to fire extinguishers; from heat pumps to trees.

Assets Module Chart


Things You Can Do on the Overview Screen

overview-tab The Overview screen displays initial and essential asset information including:

  • The Asset ID Code
  • The System, Category, and Function values
  • The location description and a pin on the map
  • The make, model, and serial number
  • A photo of the asset
  1. Classify the System, Category, and Function of the Asset
  2. Go to the Asset Setup List Screen
  3. Go to Master Procedures Screen
  4. Create a New Work Order For This Asset

Things You Can Do on the Overview 2 Screen

You use the Overview 2 Screen to view, enter, and edit attributes for the asset. You can also, view, enter, and edit data in the Notes field.

  1. Add an Asset Attribute
  2. Enter or edit an Asset Attribute Value

Add a Template to an Asset

select-attributes-for-template After the Asset Attribute Template has been created in System Preferences:

  1. Click + Template on the Overview 2 tab of the Asset Detail view to choose the template
  2. Click the new template you want to add from the value list.
    • This will automatically import the list of asset attributes into the Attributes portal.
  3. Click OK to add the attribute template to the asset.
  4. Add the data points for each attribute on the template window.
    • The data points will be accessible to the field engineer on the CMs and PMs for this asset.

Things You Can Do on the Parts Screen

You use the Parts screen to add, view, and edit parts needed to repair or operate the part.

  • The parts screen also displays a list of parts that have been used to repair or operate the asset on work orders.
  1. Add a part to an Asset
  2. Edit a part
  3. Go to the Part Detail screen
  4. Go to the Work Order that used the part

Things You Can Do on the Service Screen

You use the Service tab to view and edit the Service Agreement section, the Warranty section and the Lifecycle Cost section of the Asset Detail screen.


  1. Print the Warranty Report

Things You Can Do on the Meters Screen

You use the Meters screen to attach meters to assets. You can also view and edit meters having been already attached to the asset.
Additionally, you can add, view, and edit meter readings for the meters attached to the asset.
Field engineers can enter meter readings with the Performo Worker System


  1. Add a Meter to an Asset
  2. Edit a meter attached to an asset
  3. Add a meter reading
  4. Edit a meter reading

Things You Can Do on the History Tab


You use the History tab to record, view and edit the current location of the asset. You can also view the list of work orders completed on the asset.

  1. Enter the current location of the asset
  2. Edit a move record
  3. Go to a work order completed on an asset

Things You Can Do on the Documents Tab

You use the Documents tab to add, view, and edit documents attached to the asset.

Supplements you can attach that might be useful to the field engineer:

  • user guides
  • installation manuals
  • warranties
  • other.
  1. Add a Document to an Asset
  2. Edit a Document attached to an asset
  3. Go to the Document Detail screen

Things You can do on the PM Schedules Tab

pm-schedules-tab You use the PM Schedules tab to add, view, and edit PM Schedules for the Asset.

  1. Add a PM Schedule to the Asset
  2. Edit a PM Schedule
  3. Go to the PM Schedule Detail Screen