Performo Requester

Login Screen


URL & Login Screen Appearance

  • The URL of Performo Requester will be provided to you via email message.

  • The appearance of the login screen varies depending on the type of authentication your company is using. See Log In Credentials which appears below.

Login Credentials

There are two different methods of authenticating into the Performo Requester interface:

  • Single Sign On (SSO) - With SSO, you will be accessing Performo Requester with your company's login credentials. This is usually the same login that you use to access company resources such as your work computer and email.

  • A Performo-specific account

    • The email you receive will contain your username and a Temporary, Single-use Password.
    • After you log in with the Temporary, Single-use Password, you will be prompted to create a new password.
    • You will use that new password from that point forward.
    • If you ever forget your password, you can always click or tap the Forgot Password link on the Login screen.

Using the Requester Home Screen

You use the home screen to view and edit open work order requests and also to view the work orders that were created from previously submitted and approved work order requests.


Things You Can Do on the Home Screen

  1. Create a New Work Order Request

  2. View, Filter, and Edit Your Work Order Requests

  3. View and Edit Your User Account

  4. View and Edit the Entity

Create a New Work Order Request


Click or tap Create A New Request to go to the Create A New Request screen.


Fill out the Work Order Request Details Form

You use the Request Details section to begin entering information about the work order you want done.

Choose a Job Type

Choosing a Job Type is required.

Click Job Type and choose an option from the value list.

  • A Trade will be entered automatically when you choose a Job Type.
    • If you select a Trade first, only Job Types from that Trade will appear in the Job Type value list.
  • Your facility manager will have more information about policies for choosing trades and job types at your company, corporation, or institution.

Enter a Work Description

A work description is required.

Click the field to type in a description of, or observations about the issue.


Data entry in the Job Type field and the Work Description field are required.

Using the Work Order Request Location Details Section

The purpose of the Request Location Details section is to guide the field engineer to the issue.

This is where you view and edit location details


Initially, request location details are be entered automatically based on the location of the requester. If the location of the issue is different than the location of the requester, then you may edit location details or add notes in the Location Details field to guide the service technician to the work.

Using the Photo of Request Section

You use the Photo section to attach an image or video to the work order request.


If you have a mobile device you can take a photo or record a short video. Otherwise, you can also attach images you have stored on your device.

Desktop or Laptop

Click or tap Click To Browse to view the operating system dialog box.

  • Use the operating system dialog box to locate and attach the image you would like to upload.

Drag your photo to the window to upload the image automatically.

Mobile Phone

Tap Click To Browse to view the upload options data entry window.

  • Follow device operating system procedures to take a picture, record a video, or locate the file you want to attach to the work order.


Using the Contact Information Section

This displays requester's contact information. This is useful if the Service Technician needs to get in touch with the requester.

  • You can choose to create the request on behalf of somebody else
  • You can edit your own contact information
  • You can cancel or Submit the work order request.


Request on behalf of someone

  1. Check the checkbox for Request on behalf of someone.
  2. Choose the person you are requesting for to enter their information in the Contact section.


Note that when you request on behalf of someone, all the email notifications go to that person, and they will see the Work Order in the list of Open Requests in the Performo Request System.


Click Submit to enter the work order request.


After you submit a request...

  • If the request is approved, it becomes a work order.

  • If approved, then a field engineer completes the work order.

  • When completed, you, the requester, receive a Survey

  • When the survey is completed, the results are displayed for the work order admin on the Closeout tab in Performo Pro.

Using the Work Order Request List

Request List The Work Order Request list is where you can search, filter, sort, and view requests.

  1. The status selector can be used to display requests that have the selected status. Choosing 'All' will display requests with any status.
  2. Click or tap on the filters button to open a menu that provides additional filters:
    • Search for Work Order # or Request #
    • Entry Date range
    • Location specific filters
    • Show orders across all Entities
      • Note: turning this on will show all requests/orders at all of the entities that are associated with your account.
  3. Click on any of the column headers to sort by that value
  4. Use the forward/back buttons on the bottom of the list to navigate between different pages of the results.

Request Filters

View and Edit Work Order Requests

Click any request in the list to go to the details screen.


View and Edit Work Order Request Details

The Request Detail screen displays all the data about the request. You can view data in the Overview section, the Type and Description section, the Location section, and the Log section.

You can add a photo in the Photo section, and you can send a Quick Message in the Messages section.

Using the Messages Section

Both the field service technician and the work order admin receive messages sent from the Messages section.

  1. Click or tap the Quick Message button to view quick message options.
  2. Choose a Quick Message option.
  3. Click or tap Send to send the message to recipients.
  • Alternatively, you can click the Messages field and enter a brief comment manually.
  • Previously sent messages appear at the top of the section.


Using the Survey Section

You use the Survey section to view and edit the survey you receive after the work order is completed.

Click the star to indicate your level of satisfaction with the work that was performed on the issue you reported.
Enter a comment about the work that was performed on the issue you reported.
Click Submit Survey.


Sample Survey Rubric

StarsLevel of Satisfaction
Very Unsatisfied
⭐⭐Somewhat Unsatisfied
⭐⭐⭐Not Satisfied or Unsatisfied
⭐⭐⭐⭐Somewhat Satisfied
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Very Satisfied

View and Edit Your User Account

You use the My User Account screen to view and edit your account details.

  1. Click the User Account button on the upper, right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click Edit Profile button on the User Account data entry window.
  3. Click Edit on the My User Account screen.
  4. View and edit data on the My User Account screen
  5. Click Update to save any changes.


View and Edit the Entity

You use the Entity value list to view and edit the current entity.

Depending on your privileges, you may be able to view and edit work orders in more than one entity.

Important notes about the current entity selection:

Entity ItemFunctionality
Value ListsValues of buildings, trades, and job types are determined based on the current, selected entity
New RequestsSelect location data is automatically entered based on the current, selected entity.
Open REQs & Work Order HistoryYou can view and edit open requests and work order history in the current, selected entity


Click the link for further information about how we use the term Entity