Work Order Detail
You use the Work Order Detail screen to view and edit order information. You can interact with almost every aspect of the work order.
After you begin scrolling down the page, the Actions menu turns into a button with three vertical dots on it that floats at the bottom, right-hand side of the screen.
This Actions button will allow you to access common tasks without having to scroll all the way back to the top of the page.
Things You Can Do On This Screen
- Complete Work Orders
- Print a Work Order
- View and Edit Order Details
- Reassign a Work Order
- Change the Order Status
- Hold the Order
- Add a Photo
- Send a Message
- Add Labor
- Add Parts
- View Assets
- View Procedures
- Add a Document
- Add a Signature
- Utilities
- Transfer a Work Order
- Duplicate a Work Order
Complete Work Orders
- Click the Complete button on the Overview section to view the Complete Order data entry window.
- Click the Complete button in the Complete Order data entry window to mark the work order completed.
- Enter Labor before you click or tap the Complete button.
- Order status is marked as, "Complete."
Print a Work Order
View and Edit Order Details
View and edit fields:
- Priority
- Start Date
- Target Date
- Assigned To
- 2nd Assignee
Performo automatically calculates and displays
- Order Type & Number
- Requested By name
- Entity
Reassign a Work Order
Note: If you do not have reassign privileges you will see neither the Edit icon nor the Reassign button.
Reassign Data Entry Window
- Click or tap the Edit icon to view and edit the Reassign Order data entry window.
- If your screen is wide enough, the Edit icon is displayed as the Reassign button.
Reassign Order Section- Click or tap the Re-Assign To field to view the value list and choose a field engineer
- Click or tap the Reason field to view the value list and then choose an option to explain why the order or REQ needs to be completed by somebody else.
- Note: Acceptable reasons that appear in the value list are entered and edited by the Solution Admin.
- Click or tap the Reassign button at the bottom of the Reassign Order data entry window to complete the process.
Reassign Secondary
- Reassign Secondary works the same way as Reassign...
- Click or tap Reassign Secondary to choose an additional worker to have access to the order.
- Click or tap the Re-Assign To field to view the value list and choose a field engineer.
- Click or tap the Reason field to view the value list. Choose an option to explain why the order should be accessible by somebody else.
Change the Order Status
When a work order is created, or when a request is approved, the order status is automatically set to, Open.
- Click or tap Hold, Did Not Complete, or Complete to change the status of the order.
Hold the Order
- Click or tap Hold to put the order on hold for review at a later date and time.
- You can view the Log to see when the order was put on hold.
The entry is added to the Log section automatically.
Type and Description Section
You use the Type and Description section to view and edit the Trade, Job Type, and Work Description.
Note that the Job Type value list is conditional. The values displayed in Job Types are determined by the value selected in the Trade value list.
Best Practice:
Consider entering a brief Work Description.
Procedures and checklists should be added in the Procedure section.
Explanatory information or manuals are attached in the Documents section.
Transfer a Work Order
You can transfer a work order to another entity.
- Click the Transfer button to view the Transfer to Entity window.
- Note that you can transfer a work order if you have been assigned that privilege by the Solution Admin.
- Click the Entity value list to choose where you want the order transferred.
- You can transfer a work order to any entity you have access to.
- Entity access is determined by the Solution Admin.
- After you choose an Entity, click the Building field to choose an option from the value list.
- Buildings in the entity automatically appear in the value list.
- Click the Trade field to choose an option from the value list.
- Note that Trades in the destination entity might be different than the trades in the originating entity.
- Click the Transfer button.
- What happens next depends on your privileges in the destination entity.
- If you have privileges to be assigned work orders in the destination entity, then Performo displays the transferred order as an REQ
- The transferred REQ is displayed on the Order Detail screen.
- Note the Entity of the Transferred REQ is set to the new entity.
- If you do not have privileges to be assigned work orders in the destination entity, then Performo transfers the order to the destination entity.
- A message appears that alerts you that the order has been transferred to an entity that you do not have privileges to view or edit.
Duplicate a Work Order
When you duplicate a work order, it is automatically added to a set with the original work order. This will be useful when you need to split a work order into more than one trade. This will be useful when you are replacing a door that requires the carpenters, the painters, and the keys and locks team.
- Click the Actions Menu button and then click the Duplicate Order button to open the Duplicate Order window.
- Click the Assign To field and choose the other worker to assign the Duplicate work order to.
- Click the Duplicate button to create the work order copy.
- The copy of the work order is automatically displayed on screen if you have privileges to view and edit other worker's orders.
- The letter 'A' is appended to the originating work order number. This denotes that the order is duplicated.
- The Set icon is displayed to denote that the order is part of a set.
- Click the Set icon to open the Work Orders In This Set window.
- Work Orders In This Set Window
- Click any work order in the set to go to that order's Detail screen.
- The blue dot on the left-hand side of the order number is the current order.
- Click the View Set In List button to view the orders as a Found Set on the Order List Screen.
- Once the work order is duplicated, you can view and edit the Type and Description section as necessary.
- You can view and edit all sections of the work order.
Location Section
You use the Location section to view and edit details about where you have to go to to do the work.
Location details are entered initially by the Work Order Admin or the requestor.
The map is interactive. You can:
- Click the full screen icon to view a larger version of the map.
- Click or tap ➕ to zoom in.
- Click or tap ➖ to Zoom out.
- Click and drag to move around the map.
Photo Section
Communications Section
You use the communications sections to view and edit comments about the work order.
Requester Communications are public comments that everyone with access to the work order can see—including the requester.
Previously sent messages appear at the top of the Section.
Requester Communications
Internal Communications
Internal Communications are comments that only Performo users can see. This excludes requesters.
- Previous messages appear at the top of the section
- Complete your message or choose a pre-approved option from the Quick-Message value list.
- Click or tap the Send button to send the email notifications.
If the option you want is not in the list, then you can enter a custom message.
To create a custom message, click or tap in the message field and begin entering text.
Labor Section
You use the Labor section to view and edit time spent working on the order.
- The red dot indicates that there must be at least one labor entry before you can change the order status to Complete.
- Click or tap + Labor to view the Add Labor data entry window.
- Click or tap the Worker field to view the value list of field engineers.
- The Worker value list displays filed engineers, vendors, and previously specified vendor contacts.
- You can use your keyboard to choose a worker. As you type, Performo displays matching values in the list.
- The Add Labor button lights up after you enter Labor Hours.
- Enter the number of hours
- Click or tap Add Labor
Decimal to Minutes Conversion
Decimal | Minutes |
0.05 | 3 minutes |
0.1 | 6 minutes |
0.25 | 15 minutes |
0.5 | 30 minutes |
Parts Section
You use the Parts Section to view and edit parts used to complete the work order.
Add Purchased Part to a Work Order
- Click or tap + Purchased Part to view and edit the Add Purchased Part data entry window.
- Using the receipt for the purchased part, enter the data into the fields.
- Click or tap Add Part to enter the part onto the work order.
Use a Part From Inventory on a Work Order
- Click or tap + Inv Part to view and edit the Add Inventory Parts data entry window.
- Click or tap the Parts field to view the Pick Parts value list.
- If this list is too long, you can use the built-in tools to filter the list and select the part you need.
- Begin typing in the Parts field to view a list of parts with matching values.
- Click or tap the 🏷 tag icon to add the item to the list of parts to be added to the work order.
- Repeat the process until you have tagged all the items needed.
- Click or tap Add Part to attach the items to the work order.
- Tagged parts appear in a list at the bottom of the data entry window.
- Click the For Asset field on the bottom, right-hand side of the Add Inventory Parts window to view the
Assets Attached to the Work Order
value list.- Click or tap the 🔍 magnifying glass icon to open the Advanced Part Picker data entry window.
- Put a checkmark in the checkbox in the Selected column for each part that you want to add to the work order.
- Close the Advanced Part Picker window to add the parts to the work order.
- Click or tap Filters to view the Part Filters data entry window.
- Enter a little bit about what you know about the part you want to add in one or more of the fields in the data entry window.
- Matching values are displayed behind the Part Filters window in real time.
- Continue entering and editing information about the part you want to add until you have a list that is short enough to find the exact part you’re looking for.
- Click or tap Filters again to close the Part Filters window and view the results in the Advanced Part Picker data entry window.
- Check the checkbox in the Selected column for each part that you want to add to the work order.
- Click the Close button to exit the Advanced Part Picker window and add the selected parts to the work order.
- Note that the close button appears in the upper, right-hand corner of the Advanced Part Picker data entry window.
Snapshot of how it looks when you use the Part Filters data entry window. As you add data to the filters window, matching values are displayed in the list behind the Part Filters window.
Edit or Delete Parts Attached to a Work Order
- Click or tap the 📝edit icon to view and edit the quantity used on the work order.
- Click or tap the 🗑 trashcan icon to remove the part from the work order.
Assets Section
The Assets section displays the list of assets attached to the work order.
Assets are items that require attention by field engineers at the location specified in the work order.
Add An Asset to a Work Order
- Click or tap + Asset To view the Pick Assets data entry window.
- Use the Pick assets data entry window to filter and select assets to attach to the work order.
- Click or tap the Asset field and then scroll through the value list to find the asset you want to attach to the work order.
- Click or tap 🔍 the magnifying glass icon to view the Advanced Asset Picker data entry window.
- Click or tap Filters to view the Asset Filters data entry window.
- Click or tap Filters again to close the Asset Filters data entry window.
- Click or tap the tag icon shown above to select an asset to be attached to the work order.
- Every time you tag an asset, Performo closes the value list and adds the asset to the Pick List.
- The Pick List is displayed towards the bottom of the Pick Assets data entry window. This is shown below.
- Click or tap the Asset field again to tag more assets to add to the work order.
- Continue tagging until you have added all the assets you’re going to work on.
- Click or tap Return With Picks to add the tagged assets to the work order.
Procedure Section
The Procedure section displays checklists and text instructions for working on the asset.
Checklists, procedures, meters, and instructions are entered and edited by the Work Order admin or the Solution Admin in Performo Pro.
- Click or tap the checkbox for Failed or Done for each task.
- Checking one checkbox unchecks the other checkbox.
- Click or tap the Meter Reading field to enter a value.
- When blank, the field is highlighted with a red outline.
- The red outline is a visual indication that data entry in the field is required prior to completing the order.
- The meter reading is posted to the asset when the work order is completed.
Documents Section
The Documents section displays a list of documents attached to the work order.
- Click or tap any document to download a copy of the document to your device.
Add a Document
Utility Options
Add the Requester or Tenant Signature to the Work Order
You can have the requester or tenant sign the screen with her finger or the device pencil.
- Click or tap Actions to view the Actions menu.
- reminder: the Actions Menu button displays as three vertical dots on devices with narrow screens.
- Click or tap Capture Signature to view the Signature Pad.
- After the requester or tenant signs the screen, Click or Tap Save.