Home Screen


You use the Home Screen to select which orders you want to view and edit.

The Home Screen also provides a high level overview of orders in various categories.

Things You Can Do on the Home Screen


  1. Create a New Work Order
  2. Quick Filters
  3. Custom Filters
  4. Navigate to Other Modules
  5. Record Time on a Work Order
  6. Rearrange Sections on the Screen
  7. View and Edit the Entity
  8. View and Edit Account Information
  9. Set Your In-Out Status

Create a New Work Order

Create a new Work Order

Navigate to Other Modules

View and Filter the Work Order List Section

You can choose which orders appear in the Work Orders list.

Quick Filters

Quick Filters

  • Choose an option from the Trades & Team value list to see matching orders.
  • Click any of the Quick Filter buttons to view those orders in the Work Orders list section.
Quick FilterDescription
OpenAll Open Orders
Priority 1Most critical orders
OverdueOrders still open after target date
CMCorrective Maintenance orders
PMPreventive Maintenance orders

Trades and Team Value List

The values you see in the list are determined by privileges set by the work order admin or the solution admin.

Value ListDescription
MineAll Your Orders
TeamAll the orders of everyone on my team
AllAll the orders in the entity
*Trade NameYour orders assigned to that trade
*You may be able to choose to see orders from more than one trade—one at a time—from this value list

Custom Filters

Custom Filters

Create Custom Work Order Filters

You can can view, use, and edit the custom filters that you have created.

  • View the your custom filter buttons that have been created from the work order list.
  • Toggle edit mode to remove existing custom filter buttons.

You can remove a custom filter by clicking on the Edit My Filters button and clicking on the filter you wish to delete. You can click Use My Filters to return to the normal view where you can use your custom filter buttons.

Custom Filters

Use Filter Buttons

You can also use the Filter buttons in the Work Order List section to see work orders of a specific type or category.

  • Click or tap any of the filter buttons to see those orders in the Work Orders list.

  • Click or tap the Trades and Team value list to view types and categories of work orders you can filter for.


Record Time on a Work Order

Record Time on a Work Order

Rearrange Sections on the Screen

You can move sections above or below each other. Additionally, depending on the width of your browser window, you can move sections next to each other.

sections-next-to-each other

Move a section

Hover your pointing device over the top of any section.

  1. The cursor will turn into the four-way arrow.
  2. Click+Hold+Drag to move the section.
  3. Release the pointing device when the section is where you want it.


Resize a Section

Click+Hold the lower right-hand corner of the section.

  1. The cursor turns into a two-way arrow.
  2. Click+Hold+Drag the two-way arrow to resize the section.


Restore the Default Layout

To restore the default layout, click the settings button in the upper, right-hand corner of the screen and choose the option for Restore Default Layout.


View and Edit the Entity

View and Edit the Entity

View and Edit Account Information

View and Edit Account Information

Key Concepts

Which Work Orders You Can View and Edit

Which Work Orders You Can View and Edit

Entity Definition

Click Entity for a definition of we use this term.