

You use this page to view and edit the list of assets.

Things You Can Do on the Asset List page

  • Click or tap on any asset to go to the Details page for that asset.

  • Filter the kind, type, or category of assets that are displayed in the list.

Asset List page


  • Click or tap Filters to open the Asset Filters data entry window.


Enter data into any of the fields in the Asset Filters data entry window to view a list of assets with matching data — in that field.


Show me all the boilers in all the buildings.

  • Enter boiler in the Function field

Show me all the assets in the Pavillion.

  • Enter Pavilion in the Building field

Show me all the boilers in the Pavillion.

  • Enter boiler in the Function field


  • Enter Pavilion in the Building field

Click Reset to view all the Assets.

Click or tap anywhere on the page that is outside the data entry window to close th4e Asset Filters data entry window.

Asset Detail Screen

Asset Detail Overview

You use this screen to view and edit asset details—including a the work order history of the asset.

Things You Can Do on the Asset Detail Screen


Asset Sections

These sections display details about the asset. Most of these details are entered and edited by the Work Order admin or the Asset Manager.

Overview Section

The Overview section of the Asset Detail page is for viewing initial asset details.


Location Section

The Location section of the Asset Detail page is for viewing details about where the asset is—including GPS coordinates.


Specifications Section

Important specs about the asset appear in this area.


Notes Section

Notes, the Job Default category, and the Critical # field all appear in the Notes section.


Photo Section

  • You can view a photo or upload a photo, if there isn’t one already there.
  • Click the photo to view a larger version on its own page.
    • Use the browser's back button to return to the Asset Detail page.

Add a Photo


Service Agreement Section

Contract details appear in this section.


Warranty Section

Warranty type, notes and dates appear in this section.


PM Schedules Section

You can view the preventive maintenance schedules in this section.

PM Schedules are entered and edited by the work order admin.


Meter Readings Section

You can view previous meter readings and you can add a new meter reading in this section. Click any meter record to view the data for that meter.


Add A New Meter Reading

Click + Reading to view the Add Meter Reading data entry window.

Add Meter Reading data entry window

  1. Add the data for the meter reading.
  2. click Add Reading.


Note that the meter reading is posted to the asset when the work order is completed.

Attributes Section

You can view asset attributes in this section.

  • Click or tap any attribute in the list to view the values for that attribute.
  • Click or tap Open All to view all the attribute values for all the attributes.
  • Click or tap Close All to view the list of attributes without values.


Moves Section

The moves section displays a list of all the places where the asset is or was with the date it was moved there. Move data is entered and edited by the work order admin.


Documents Section

Add adocument

Work Order History Section

The Work Order History section displays the asset's list of open and completed work orders.


— Click on any order to go to the Order Detail page

Create a New Work Order for the Asset

You can create a new work order for the asset.

The process is the same as creating any new work order except that the asset details are automatically added to the Assets section of the new work order.

Create a new work order

Utility Options
