Work Orders

Overview of the Work Orders Module

The Work Orders module stores all the details about maintenance at your company.

The Work Orders module consists of two main areas;

  1. The Work Order List Screen.
  2. The Work Order Detail Screen.
    • The Work Order Detail Screen is divided into eight tabs.
    • Each Work Order Detail tab is a screen that displays a specific type of information.
    • See the chart below.

Basic Organization of Work Orders Module


About the Work Orders List Screen


The Work Orders List Screen displays a high-level overview of work order data.

The Found Set

Note that the records displayed on the List Screen are referred to as the Found Set. When you use filters to change the records displayed on the screen, you change the Found Set — filters do not delete any work orders or any other data.

Default Found Set for Work Order List screen

  • open work orders
  • sorted by Order Number
  • Requests sort to the top of the list

There is an extensive array of tools accessible on the List Screen to filter the list of work orders so that you can view and edit the work orders that you need to.


Tools to Search and Filter Data

There are multiple tools on the List screen to search and filter the Found Set so that you can view exactly the work orders you need to.

Find records using:

  1. The Global Search Field
  2. The Filters Window
  3. Saved Filters
  4. Constrain-by

Things You Can Do on the Work Order List Screen

  1. Create a New Work Order
  2. The Global Search Field
  3. The Filters Data Entry Window
  4. Save Filters
  5. See the found set on the Work Orders Calendar
  6. View and Print The List of Work Orders Report
  7. View and Print the Work Orders Batch Report
  8. View the List of Custom Reports.
  9. Print This order
  10. Duplicate Work Order — automatically creates a Work Order Set
  11. View and Edit a Work Order Set
  12. Use Constrain By to reduce number of items in the Found Set
  13. Use Omit This Record to remove the exceptions, anomalies, and other quirks from the Found Set
  14. Map Work Orders
  15. Delete a work order

Work Order Detail Screen

You use the Work Order detail screen to view and edit information and details about the work order.

  • Work Order detail is divided into tabs.
  1. Each tab is a screen that displays data that you can view and edit.

Tabs on the Work Order Detail Screen

  1. Overview
  2. Labor and Parts
  3. Procedure
  4. Assets
  5. Documents
  6. Log
  7. Email
  8. Closeout

Things You Can do on the Overview Screen

The Overview screen displays initial and essential work order information including, order status, requester status, key date info, assignee info, location info, a basic work description, and a photo.


  1. View and Edit the Work Order Status
  2. View and Edit the Work Order Priority and Escalation Rules
  3. Approve a Request
  4. View and Edit Work Order Assignee
  5. View and Edit the Job Type
  6. View and edit the Work Order Location
  7. Add a Photo to the Work Order
  8. View and edit the Target Date

Things You Can Do on the Labor and Parts Screen


You use the Labor & Parts screen to view and edit work order time and materials. You can also view and edit cost information in use-case scenarios where work orders are billable.

  1. View and Edit Labor
  2. Add Labor to a Work Order
  3. View and Edit Parts
  4. Add a Part to a Work Order
  5. View and Edit Billing Info

Things You Can Do on the Procedure Screen


You can set up each work order with it's own duties and tasks and you can specify these procedures and protocols in text format or as a series of steps.

  • You can also specify that each task step must be checked off prior to completing the work order.
  • To make the process of entering tasks steps on a work order easier, you can select from a list of templates.
  • When you select a template, the procedure task steps appear in the Procedure Tasks Portal.
  • You can edit the procedure task steps once they are imported and displayed in the Procedure Tasks Portal.
  • You can also add procedure task steps either before or after you import a template of procedure task steps.
  1. View, Add and Edit Procedure Tasks
  2. View, Add and Edit Procedure Text
  3. Choose a Template of Task Steps
  4. Add a Task Step
  5. View, Add, and Edit a Meter-Reading Task Step
  6. Create a Work Order For a Failed task Step
  7. Require Field Technicians Checkoff Each Procedure Task Step

Things You Can Do on the Assets Screen


You use the Assets screen to view and edit machinery and other corporate components that you are responsible for maintaining.

  • Assets can be everything from rooftop units to fire extinguishers and even trees.
  • Note that you can attach more than one asset to a work order.
  1. Add an Asset to the Work Order
  2. Edit Asset Details
  3. Go to the Overview tab of the Asset Detail Screen
  4. Edit the Asset Critical Number

Things You Can Do on the Documents Screen

You use the documents screen to attach receipts, user-guides, owners manuals, and other reference material you to go with the work order.

  • You can also view and edit documents having been already attached.
  • Documents you attach to the work order appear in the Documents portal on the Documents screen.
  1. Add a document to the work order
  2. View and edit document details
  3. Upload a New Version
  4. Download an attached document
  5. View the attached document

Things You Can Do on the Log Screen


The Log Screen has two main purposes. View work order milestones such as Work Order Created, Start, End, Requester notification, Assignee notification. Also, to view and edit internal and external communications. Requester communications are public. The requester receives a copy of the notification. Internal communications are private. The requester does not receive a copy of the notification.

  1. Requester Communications Send a Quick Message to the Requester, the Work Order Admin, and the Field Engineers
  2. Internal Communications Send a Quick Message to the Work Order Admin and the Field Engineers.

Things You Can Do on the Email Screen


You use the Email screen to view email messages about the work order. Also, you can use this screen to compose a new email message about the work order.

  1. View Work Order Email Notifications
  2. View and Edit the Requester and Assignee Email Addresses
  3. Compose a New Email Message from a Template

Things You Can Do on the Closeout Screen


The Closeout screen displays information about the work order completion.

  • This is the after-maintenance paperwork for use-case scenarios where the job isn't done until the paperwork is.
  • Info displayed on the Closeout screen:
  • The assignee's signature
  • The results of the job performance survey
  • Dated followup notes.
  1. Closeout a Work Order
  2. View the Job Performance Survey
  3. View and Edit Followup Details