Things You Can Do in Performo Pro
Create a New Work Order
- Click + Work Order to go to a blank Work Order Detail screen where you can start entering information about a new work order.
Choose a Job Type
- Click the Job Type field to choose a value from the Job Type value list.
Notes about the Job Type field
- The red shading is a visual indication that data entry is required.
- The options in the Job Type value list are determined by the value selected from the Trade value list.
Choose an Assignee
There are two ways to assign a work order to a worker or vendor.
Assign-to Value List
Choose a Vendor or Worker from the Assign-to value list.
- Click the Assignee field to view the Assignee value list.
- Choose a worker from the value list.
- In the Assignee value list, vendors are designated by the (V) notation.
The Assign-to Data Entry Window
- Click the Assign-to button to view the Assign Worker data entry window.
- Note that the Assign-to button is displayed as an ellipsis
on the button.
- Choose an assignee based on workload, availability, location, shift, or rank.
You can filter the records that appear in the Assign Worker list.
The filtering tools appear on top of the data entry window.
As you choose filters, the Found Set of workers and vendors appears on the bottom of the data entry window.
- Click any column heading to sort the list of workers an vendors by that column.
- Click anywhere it is shaded yellow to assign the work order to that worker.
- Click the All Workers button to view all the workers in all the Entities.
- Click the entity Workers button to view only the workers from that Entity.
- Click the Trade Workers button to view a Found Set of workers having been assigned to a Trade or Team.
- Click the Worker Map button to display the location of each worker.
- Click the Vendors button to view the list of vendors.
- On the bottom section of the data entry window:
- Click the record anywhere it is shaded yellow to assign the work order to that worker or vendor.
- Note that the record is shaded yellow when your pointing devices hovers over it.
- Once you add a job type and an assignee, the work order can be marked as Open.
- Subsequently, you add additional details using the fields on this screen and the other tabs.
Change the Entity
The term entity describes corporate elements that are physically, geographically or financially separate from each other.
- Click the Entity field on the Home Screen to view the Entity value list.
- Click on any entity to add, view, and edit work orders in that entity.
- View and edit work orders in one entity at a time.
- The All entity is not used for data entry.
- Related Content
Navigate to a Module
You use the Main Menu on the left-hand side of the Home Screen to navigate to the modules in Performo Pro.
Note that you will only see the option to go to the System Menu if you are the Solution Admin.
View and Edit User Settings
- Click the user name button in the upper, right-hand section of the Home Screen to view the User Settings Screen.
- View and edit the user Settings screen
Set Path
- Click the Set Path button in the User Settings section to open your operating system's Select File dialog box.
- Use the operating system dialog box to select the path to your default directory.
- Performo Pro will remember this setting when you upload photos for a work order, or when you want to download a report.
Choose a Default Window Size
- Click the Zoom field to choose between 75%, 100%, and 150% window size.
- You can choose a default window size in the Windowing section.
- Performo Pro will remember these settings when you log in.
- Note that zooming in or zooming out does not change the size of some dialog boxes that appear in the solution.
- The appearance and size of these dialog boxes is controlled by your operating system.
Interact with Widgets
- Status Widget
- The Status Widget displays a chart of various categories of work orders.
- Click a status category to view those work orders in the Work Orders List Screen.
Status Category Found Set Open Orders Open Orders, Requests Overdue Work Orders not completed by the Target Date Reqs Work Order Requests CMs Corrective Maintenance (CM) Work Orders PMs Preventive Maintenance (PM) Work Orders Priority 1 Critical Work Orders
- Work Order Request Widget
- Click any request in the list to view that request on the Work Orders Detail screen.
- Work Order History Widget
- Click any bar in the chart to view those work orders on the Work Orders List screen.
- Note that you can move the sliders on top of the widget to change the dates of work orders displayed on the bar chart.
- The slider on the left-hand side increases and decreases the start date of displayed work orders.
- The slider on the right-hand side increases and decreases the end date of displayed work orders.
- Overdue Work Orders Widget
- Click any work order in the list to view the work order the Work Orders Detail screen for that order.
- Open Orders Widget
- Click any bar in the chart to view those orders in the Work Order List screen.
- Note that you can use the Sort value list to sort open orders by Assign-To, Location, or Type.
- The bar chart depicts the same Found Set, Open Orders in this case;
- the difference is the label on the left-hand side of the chart will change and the length of the bar will reflect the number of Open Work Orders in that category.
Exit the Solution
- Click the Exit button when you are ready to close Performo Pro for the day.
- Click the Exit button to confirm that you want to close Performo Pro for the day.
Navigation in Performo Pro:
When you are done view or editing information on a screen in Performo:
- Use the navigation tools on the Title bar to go to the Home Screen or the list screen or any other module.
- Unexpected results will occur if you click the Microsoft Windows Close button
View and Print the Work Orders List Report
- Print a list report of the Found Set
- Sorted and sub-sorted the way it appears on screen.
- Click the Actions Menu button.
- Click Work Orders List Report from the Actions menu.
- There are two options for the Work Orders List Report
- Summary
- One line for each order
- Detailed
- includes the work order description
- Summary List Report
- Click Summary to view the Edit Report Title window.
- Edit or accept the default report title.
- Click OK to go to the report preview screen.
- Detailed List Report
- Click Detailed to go to the Edit Report Title window.
- Edit or accept the default report title.
- Click OK to go to the report preview screen.
- Print or Save a PDF
- The Print Preview displays the report.
- If the report is more than one page, you can use the buttons at the top of the screen to view previous or succeeding pages in the report.
- Additionally, you can use the page number field to jump to a specific page in the report.
- You can also use the page-slider below the page number field to scroll back and forth through the pages of a report.
- Export data to Microsoft Excel
- Performo Pro has pre-configured exports to Microsoft Excel data format.
- These are accessible from the Reports module, so there is no need to press the Save as Excel button.
- View and Print the Work Orders Batch Report
- Click Work Orders Batch Report from the Actions menu to print a single copy of every work order in the Found Set.
- Click Print to print every page in the report.
- Note that work orders may be more than one page each.
View And Print a Custom Report
- Click Custom Report to display the Run Custom Report data entry window.
- You can view the list of custom reports having been previously created.
- Click any record in the Run Custom Report data entry window to view details about that custom report.
- View and Edit Custom Report Info
- Click the Custom Report Info button to view the details about the Found Set for that custom report.
- For reference, you can view the criteria used to create the custom report in the Custom Report Info window.
- Export to Microsoft Excel
- Click the Excel button to view the File Download data entry window.
- You can export the report data to Microsoft Excel
Print This Order
- Click the Record Menu button to view the Record menu.
- Click Print This Order to open the operating system Print dialog box.
- The Record Menu button appears on the right-hand side of every work order on the list screen.
Duplicate Work Order
When you duplicate a work order two things happen:
- You can assign the order to another field engineer.
- Both work orders automatically become part of a work order set.
- Click the Record Menu button to view the Record menu.
- The Record Menu button appears on the right-hand side of every work order on the list screen.
- Click Duplicate Work Order to open the operating system Print dialog box.
- Click OK to view and edit the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen.
- Click the Assignee field to choose a field technician for the duplicate work order.
View and Edit a Work Order Set
- Click Set to view and edit the work orders in this Set data entry window.
- Work Order set
Map Work Orders
You can view the Found Set of work orders on a map.
- Click Actions to view the Actions menu.
- Click Map Work Orders to view the Work Orders Map screen.
Click Map Work Orders to view the location of the work orders pinned on a Google map.
Things You Can Do on the Google Map
- Hover the pointing device over any of the purple markers to view information.
- If more than one work order at location
- Click to view the Building name and a link to the Work Order List screen
- Found set constrained to those work orders.
- Click to view the Building name and a link to the Work Order List screen
- If one work order at location
- Click to view overview of work order information
- Click link to view work order detail screen for that work order.
- If more than one work order at location
- Check the Floor plan checkbox to view the work orders on a floor plan.
- Check the Layers checkbox to view all the layers of the floor plan.
View and Edit Work Order Priority and Escalation Rules
- Set the Priority of each work order in the General section of the Overview tab on the Work Order Detail screen.
- Click the Priority field to choose a priority for the work order.
- Choose an escalation rule in the Assign section of the Overview tab on the Work Order Detail screen.
- Click the Escalation Rule field to choose a rule to apply to the work order. This determines the email notification that will be sent.
- Set the Target Date in the Dates section of the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen.
- Click the Target Date field to choose a date.
- Set the Critical # in the General section of the Overview tab of the Asset Detail
- Click the Critical # field to choose a number for the asset.
- Whenever this asset is attached to a work order, this critical number will be used to determine if and when escalations occur.
- Click Escalation Rules to view and edit data on the Escalation Notice Rules screen.
View and Edit the Work Order Status
The General section of a work order detail screen displays the order #, the Priority, and the Work Order Status buttons. Work Order status options include Open, Hold, DNC, and Complete. In each case, every time the work order status changes, email notifications are sent to requester, assignee, and work order admin.
Type | Status | Description | Number Assigned |
CM or PM | Open | Work order is in progress. | Yes |
CM or PM | Hold | Work order is not in progress. | Yes |
CM or PM | DNC | Did Not Complete. Work will not be undertaken. | Yes |
CM or PM | Complete | Work is finished. | Yes |
REQ | Deny | Work will not be undertaken. | No |
REQ | Approve | Work Order Initiated. | Yes |
Approve a Request
Work Orders come into the Performo system as requests.
- Choose a Job Type
- Note: if you choose a Trade first, then the Job Types will be constrained to the ones that fit with that Trade.
- Choose an Assignee
- Click Approve or Deny
View and Edit the Work Order Location
The Location section of the Overview screen provides information to guide the field technician to the work to be done.
The Campus field determines which buildings appear in the Building value list.
Go to the Campuses and Buildings Tab to view and edit buildings located at each corporate unit.
Change the Campus Label Field on the General screen of the System Preferences module.
Add a Photo to the Work Order
- Overview
- You use the Photo section to view and edit the photos attached to the work order. You can also go to the Work Order Photos screen.
- You can add several photos to a work order if necessary.
- Click + to open your operating system's Add File dialog box.
- Navigate through directories to find the photo you want to upload.
- Click Manage to view and edit Photo Details on the Work Order Photos screen.
View and Edit the Target Date
Dates Section
- View and edit the Time Reference for the work order.
Target Date Field
- The Target work order completion date is automatically calculated and displayed.
View and Edit Labor
You use the Labor portal to view and edit time on the work order
Click + to add a labor entry.
Edit Labor Data Entry Window
- Choose the worker who spent time on the task.
- Type-Ahead is active so you can use your keyboard or a pointing device to choose a name.
- Use the drop-down calendar to choose a date
- Put your cursor in the date field to manually add a date
- enter up to 2 decimal places in this field
- 1/1 = 1/1/the current year is added automatically.
- 0.1 hours is 6 minutes
- Enter dollar per hour
- The dollar sign is added to the rate automatically in the field
- It is not necessary to manually add the dollar sign.
Override ($)
- Only use this field if necessary
- Data entry in this field is optional.
- Click Delete to remove the labor record.
View and Edit Parts
The Parts Portal is on the right-hand side of the Labor & Parts tab of the Work Order Detail screen. You use the Parts Portal to view and edit parts added or requested for the work order.
Note that there are three ways you can add a part to a work order:
- You can Add a Part from Inventory
- You can Add a Purchased Part
- You can Order a Part for a Work Order
Add A Purchased Part
Parts purchased in the field.
- Click + on the right-hand side of the Parts Portal to view the Add Part data entry window.
- Click the Purchased tab in the Add Part data entry window.
- Enter the details about the part you purchased.
- Click Submit to add the record to the Parts Portal.
Attach a Receipt
Parts Record when Receipt not
Note that after you click Submit, the part record is added to the Parts Portal and is displayed with a regular font and is not italics
- In the use-case scenario of purchasing a part for a work order:
- The non-italic font means that you have to upload a receipt for the part you purchased in the field.
- The parts manager can supply the part to the work order after you upload a receipt for the part you purchased.
- Click the Attach Receipt button in the Document column to upload a copy of the receipt to the work order.
- Use your operating system dialog box to locate and upload the receipt.
- The Parts Manager will supply the part after the receipt is attached.
- And then the part record will appear in an italics font in the Parts portal.
Request a Part from Inventory
You can request a part from inventory to complete work on an order.
- Click + to view the Add Part data entry window
- Click the Inventory tab
- Click Add Part to view the Pick Parts data entry window
- View and Edit a Found Set of Parts to pick in the Pick Parts data entry window.
Found Set Count
displays the number of parts records in the Pick Parts data entry window
- if the number is very large you can use the filters to reduce, refine, and restrict the list.
Type Filter
Choose a type to display only those parts in the Found Set portal
Warehouse Filter
Choose a warehouse to display those parts in the Found Set portal- Click Find to display a blank parts record.
- Use the blank parts record to enter what you know about the part you want to find.
- Click Find again to display all the parts that match the value or values you entered
Picked Checkbox
Click the picked-checkbox
- Put a checkmark in the Picked checkbox to choose to add that part to the work order.
- Click Return With Pick to add the parts with the picked checkbox checked to the work order
Parts Portal: Parts Record when not SUPPLIED
by Inventory Director
- not italics
- black font
Parts Portal: Parts Record when SUPPLIED
by Inventory Director
- italics
- grey font
Order a Part for a Work Order
You can order a part NOT
from inventory to complete work on an order
- Click + to view the Add Part data entry window
- Click the Order tab
- Enter the details about the part that needs to be ordered
- Submit
Parts Portal: Parts Record when not SUPPLIED
by Inventory Director
- not italics
- black font
Parts Portal: Parts Record when SUPPLIED
by Inventory Director
- italics
- grey font
View and Edit Billing Info
- Click the Bill To field to choose how you want the invoice for the work order to be handled.
- When you do this, the Billable checkbox will be checked automatically.
Enter a description of the Bill To field.
Check the radio button to indicate weather the time and materials costs on the work order are Estimated or Actual.
View Add and Edit Procedure Tasks
You use the Procedure Tasks screen to view and edit step-by-step instructions, tasks, duties, and responsibilities for the work order.
Things You Can Do on the Procedure Tasks Screen
- Choose a template of task steps
- Add a Task Step
- View, add, and edit a meter-reading task step
- Create a work order for a failed task step
- Require Field Technicians Checkoff Each Procedure Task Step
Choose a Template of Task Steps
The Code value list is conditional based on the value you select in the System value list.
- Click the System field to view the System value list.
- Choose a
from that value list.
- The
value list displays the templates of task steps in that system.- Click the Code field to view the Code value list.
- The
value list displays both the procedure template code and the procedure template name.- Choose a template of procedure task steps from the Code value list.
- The Procedure template Name is displayed next to the code for reference.
- The procedure task steps are displayed automatically in the Procedure Tasks Portal.
Add a Task Step
You can add a task step to the portal manually.
- Click the button to add a blank line to the top of the Procedure Tasks Portal.
- Check the Done checkbox to complete the task step.
- Enter a number in the field to place the task step in the order that you want it to appear on the work order.
- Enter the task step description.
- Check the Failed checkbox if the procedure task step was not completed.
View Add and Edit a Meter Reading Task
You can view, add, and edit a meter reading task.
You can:
- Manually add a meter-reading procedure task step
- Edit an existing meter reading procedure task step.
- Click the Asset field to see the list of assets attached to the work order.
- Click the Meter field to choose meters attached to the asset.
- Units are displayed automatically.
- Put your cursor in the field to make a manual adjustment.
- Enter the meter reading. This is the data point.
Create a Work Order for a Failed Task Step
- Click Create WO from Failed Task(s) to go to the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen
- Performo creates a work order and displays the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen on the new work order so you can enter and edit details as necessary.
- Data is automatically entered in the General, Dates, Location, and Description sections based on the original work order, as shown below.
- Failed task fields automatically calculated and displayed
- General Section
- Dates Section
- Location Section
- Task Description
- Reminder for whenever you create a new work order:
Require Field Technicians Checkoff Each Procedure Task Step
- Check the Tasks required for work order completion checkbox to require field technicians checkoff each procedure task step before being able to
the work order.
- The field technician is presented with two columns of checkboxes for each procedure task step.
- There is one checkbox for Failed and one checkbox for Done.
- The work order cannot be completed until all the Done checkboxes are checked off.
View Add and Edit Procedure Text
- Click the Procedure Text tab to view or edit the Procedure Text field.
- Enter information that field engineers will use to complete the work.
Add an Asset to the Work Order
You use the Pick Assets data entry window to choose one or more assets to attach to the work order.
- Field engineers are able to access Asset details on the work order.
- Once an asset is attached to the work order, the asset becomes the subject of the work order.
- Click Pick Assets to view the Pick Assets data entry window.
- Use the Pick Assets data entry window to find the assets you want to attach to the work order.
Using the Pick Assets Data Entry Window
- Found Set Count
- The number of assets displayed in the Assets Portal
- Asset System Value List
- Click the System Value List field to view asset systems.
- Choose a system to view a list of those assets in the portal.
- Building Value List
- Click the Building field to view the list of buildings.
- Choose one of the buildings to view the list of assets in that building.
- Find Button
- Click Find to add a blank line to the Assets portal.
- Enter details into one or more fields.
- Click Find again to view assets with matching values in that field or those fields.
- Picked Checkbox
- Click the Picked checkbox to choose that asset to attach to the work order.
- One check picks the asset.
- A subsequent click, deselects the asset.
- Return With Pick Button
- Click Return With Pick to attach the
assets to the work order.
Edit Asset Details
- Click the Edit Record button to view the Edit Asset data entry window.
- Use the Edit Asset data entry window to view and edit asset details.
- You can edit the
field, theNotes
field, and theDowntime
field.- You can also checkoff when work on the asset is
Go to the Overview tab of the Asset Detail Screen
- Click any asset in the Assets portal to go to the Overview screen of the Asset Detail in the Assets module.
Edit the Asset Critical Number
- Default critical number
- Used for escalations
- determines the email notification that is sent if and when the work order is overdue
- view only
- Update button
- Click the Update button to use the default critical number on this work order.
- Critical number
- Used for escalation email notifications on this work order.
- Click the field to manually enter an Critical Number.
- Related Content
- Things You Can Do on the Assets Screen
Add a Document to the Work Order
- Click + to open your operating system's
Select File
dialog box.
- Navigate to the file you want to attach
- Click Open to attach the document to the work order.
- Note that the attachment appears in the Documents portal as soon as the upload process is complete.
- Larger attachments may require additional time to process depending on bandwidth and connection speed.
View and Edit Document Details
There are two ways to view and edit attachment details.
- Click any record in the Documents Portal to go to the Document Detail screen—in the Documents module.
- You use the Document Detail screen to view and edit the attachment.
- View and Edit information on the Document Details screen.
- Click the Edit Record button to view the Edit Document data entry window.
- Use the Edit Document data entry window to view and edit attachment details.
Upload a New Version
You can upload a new version of any document that is already attached to the work order.
- Previous versions remain attached to the work order
- You can view and edit the records of all versions.
- Click the attachment record in the portal to go to document details.
- Click Upload New Version to open your operating system's Select File dialog box.
- Navigate to the file you want to upload
- Click Open to attach the document to the work order.
- Click the Edit Record button to view the Edit Document data entry window.
- View and edit the information in the Edit Document data entry window.
- Click Upload New Version to open your operating system's Select File dialog box.
- Navigate to the file you want to upload
- Click Open to attach the document to the work order.
Download an Attached Document
You can download any document to any directory you have access to. Note that this provides offline access to the document, but changes made to the offline copy of the document only affect the offline copy.
Go to Document Details
- Click the attachment record in the portal to go to document details.
- Click the Edit Record Button
- Click the Download button to open the File Download data entry window.
- Use the File Download data entry window to save the attachment you want to download.
- You can also change the default directory Performo uses to download files.
- You can save the file to any directory you have access to.
- You can choose to open the file once it has been saved.
Change the File Path
- Click Change File Path to bring up your operating system's
Select File Directory
dialog box.
- The Default Directory is the first directory Performo looks at when you want to upload or download an attachment or report.
- Navigate to the directory you want to be default.
- Click OK to save.
View the Attached Document
You can view a copy of the attachment on your computer if you have an application that can read that document type.
- Go to Document Details
- Click the attachment record in the portal to go to document details.
- Click the View button to open the attachment using an application that can read that document type.
Send a Quick Message to the Requester
You can send a Quick Message to the Requester, the Work Order Admin, and the Field Engineer
- Click Quick Message to view the Quick Message data entry window.
- Choose a message option from the value list.
- Click Send to dispatch the email notification to the requester.
- The email notification message is sent to:
- The Requester
- The Work Order Admin
- The Field Engineers assigned to the work order.
Send a Quick Message to the Work Order Admin and the Field Engineer
You can send a Quick Message to the Work Order Admin and the Field Engineer
- Click Quick Message to view the Quick Message data entry window
- Choose one of the options from the value list.
- Click Send to dispatch the email notification to the Work Order Admin and the Field Engineer.
- Notes
- The email notification message is sent to:
- The Work Order Admin
- The Field Engineers assigned to the work order.
View and Edit the Requester and Assignee Email Addresses
You can view and edit the Requester and Assignee email addresses and you can view the Admin and Manager email addresses.
- Click the Requester Email Address field to put your cursor in the field.
- Edit the email address as necessary.
- Click the Assignee Email Address field to put your cursor in the field.
- Edit the email address as necessary.
- Edit Notification Email Addresses
View View Work Order Email Notifications
- Click any email notification log entry to view the details
- Click any email message in the notification portal to view the Email Detail data entry window.
- Click Send Email Again to send the email message to the recipients again.
- All the information in the Email Detail data entry window is view-only.
Compose a New Email Message from a Template
You can choose an email template and send an email message to recipients you select.
- Click the New Email from Template field to view the Email Template value list.
- Choose one of the templates.
- Click Start New Email to view the Prepare Email data entry window.
Notes for the Prepare Email Data Entry Window:
- You use the Prepare Email data entry window to view and edit the email you are sending
- You can edit any of the fields in the Prepare Email data entry window.
- Fields You Can Edit:
Copies To
email message body
Closeout a Work Order
- Check the Closed out checkbox in the Closeout section of the Closeout screen to close out the work order.
- This can be done only when the work order is
- The field engineer or the work order admin can change the work order status to
- Complete means the field engineer is done with the work.
- Closeout occurs when the Job Performance Survey is done and the work order admin clicks the Closeout checkbox.
View the Job Performance Survey
You can view the results from the Job Performance Survey.
- The Job Performance Survey includes details about the time to complete, overall level of satisfaction, and comments.
- The Job Performance Survey is view-only after it is submitted by the requester.
View and Edit Followup Details
You can view and edit the followup details including the followup status, the followup date, and followup notes.
Create a New Asset Record
- Click + Asset to go a blank copy of the Overview tab of the Asset Detail screen.
- Enter and edit data on all the tabs of the Asset Detail screen as necessary.
Related Content
Asset Detail Screen
- Click any asset in the Asset List to go to the Overview tab of the Asset Detail screen for that asset.
- Start entering data on the Overview tab of the Asset Detail screen.
Related Content
Asset Setup List Screen
- Click the Actions menu button to view the Actions menu.
- Click the Go to Asset Setup List option, to view and edit the Asset Setup List screen.
- View and Edit data on the Asset Setup List Screen
- The Asset Setup List screen displays more columns so you can view and edit more data at once.
- You can use your operating system default method to make the application screen wider to accommodate the extra columns displayed on the Asset Setup List screen.
Master Procedures Screen
- Click the Actions menu button to view the Actions menu.
- Click the Go to Master Procedures option, to view and edit the Master Procedures List screen.
- The Master Procedure List Screen has two main purposes:
- View and create a Found Set of task templates.
- Go to the detail screen of any, particular task template.
Related Content
Create a New PM Schedule for a List of Assets
You can create one preventive maintenance schedule for a group of assets so that one work order is created periodically to complete work on each of the assets.
- Create a Found Set of Assets that you want to create one preventive maintenance schedule for.
- Click the Actions menu button to view the Actions menu.
- Click the New PM from List of Assets option, to go to the Overview tab of the PM Detail screen in the PM Schedules module.
- brief explanation: The screen displays blank fields and you can begin entering data for the preventive maintenance schedule.
- Click the Assets tab.
- Note that each of the assets from the Found Set
in the Assets Module
are now displayed in the Assets portal on the Assets tab of the PM Detail screen — nowin the PM Schedules module.
- Work orders created from this PM schedule will direct field engineers to complete work on each of these assets.
Classify the System Category and Function of the Asset
You classify assets to organize a very large number of items.
The System, Category, and Function fields are used to facilitate choosing an asset when you are in the Work Orders module or the Preventive Maintenance Schedules module.
- The System field is used to narrow down the Categories within that system and the Categories field is used to narrow down the choices available in the Function field.
- Click the System field to view the System value list.
- Choose a System.
- Note that this will narrow down the categories visible in the Category value list in Step #2.
- Click the Category field to view the list of categories in the System you chose in Step #1.
- Click the Function field to view the list of functions in the Category you chose in Step #2.
Related Content
Create a New Work Order For This Asset
- Click the Actions menu button to view the Actions menu.
- Click the New Work Order option, to go to a blank Work Order Detail screen where you can begin entering details about the work order.
- Click the Assets tab and note that the record is already displayed in the Assets portal.
- This work order will direct the field engineer to complete work on this asset.
Enter or Edit an Asset Attribute Value
You can view and edit the asset attribute values right in the Attributes portal on the Overview 2 screen.
Reminder Note:
- The
Asset Attribute Value
is the data point for the asset attribute. - Every asset attribute has a field for the asset attribute value.
- Click the Edit Record button on the right-hand side of the Asset Attribute in the portal to view the Edit Attribute data entry window.
- Click the Attribute Value field to edit the value in the field.
- If there is no value in the field, you can enter one.
- Click the Asset Attribute field in the Assets section to enter or edit the existing value.
- If there is no value in the field, you can enter one.
Add a part to an Asset
- Click the +Part button to view the Edit Part data entry window.
- Click the Name field or the Part ID field in the Edit Part data entry window to view the Parts value list.
- Start typing the name of the part you want to add to the asset to go to that section of the parts list.
- Click a value or depress the
key to select a value.- Parts added to the asset are displayed on work orders
- Field engineers can view this data when they are working on assets.
Edit a Part
- Click the Edit Record button to view the Edit Part data entry window.
- View and edit any of the data in the Edit Part data entry window.
Go to the Part Detail screen
- Click any part in the Assets Parts portal to go to the Parts module.
Go to the Work Order
- Click the Go To button on the right-hand side of each item in the Asset Work Orders Parts section to view the navigation value list.
- Click Go to Work Order to open the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen—in the Work Orders module.
Print the Warranty Report
- Click the Warranty Report button to view the Asset Warranty Report preview.
Add a Meter to an Asset
- Click the + Meter button to open the Edit Meter data entry window.
- View and edit data in the Edit Meter data entry window.
- Note that towards the bottom of the data entry window, a unique Meter ID is added automatically.
Meter Name
- Used by Field Engineers to identify the unit
- Value list based on user-input
- You can put your cursor in the field and enter a value that is not in the list yet.
- The new value will automatically be added to the list.
- User-editable value list
Minimum Reading
- Normal Operating Range
Maximum Reading
- Normal Operating Range
- Things Field Engineers should know about the meter or meter readings for this asset.
Edit a Meter Attached to an Asset
The Edit Record button is on the right-hand side of the meter record in the Meters portal in the Meters section of the Meters tab of the Asset Detail screen.
- Click the Edit Record to view the Edit Meter data entry window.
- View and edit data points in the Edit Meter data entry window.
Add a Meter Reading
You can add a reading to a meter, right from the Meters section or you can add a meter reading from Readings section.
The Add Meter Reading button is above the Readings portal on the right-hand side of the Readings section of the Meters tab of the Asset Detail screen.
- Click the Add Meter button to view the Edit Meter Reading data entry window.
- View and Edit data in the Edit Meter Reading data entry window.
Meter Name
- Value list of meters having been attached to the asset.
- You can click once to put the cursor in the field to enter a different meter name if necessary.
- Current date entered automatically.
- You can click once to drop down the calendar date picker and you to enter a different date if necessary.
- You can also single-click a second time to put the cursor in the field to enter a different date if necessary.
Work Order Number
- If the meter reading was recorded on a work order, you can enter the work order number here.
Current Reading
- The actual data point for the meter reading.
- Information from or about the field engineer or the meter reading itself.
- Extenuating circumstances
- Relevant information about this, particular meter reading.
Add a Meter Reading from the Meters Section
The Add Meter Reading button is on the right-hand side of the meter record in the Meters portal in the Meters section of the Meters tab of the Asset Detail screen.
- Click the Add Meter button to view the Edit Meter Reading data entry window.
- View and enter data in the Edit Meter Reading data entry window.
Enter the Current Location of the Asset
Each New Move records the current location of the Asset
- When the asset is installed, moved or placed somewhere, you use the History tab to record the location.
- These actions are recorded in the Moves section of the History tab.
- Each time you move the asset, you create a new record in the Moves section.
- The Add New Move button is on the right-hand side of the Moves section on the History tab.
- Click the Add New Move button to open the Asset Moves data entry window.
- View and edit data in the Asset Moves data entry window.
Fields you can view and edit:
Received By
- Note that the move is automatically stamped with the current date and time.
- After the initial location is set with the first Move record, the previous location is also automatically entered.
Edit a Move Record
After the asset move record is created, you can come back to it later to view and edit the data in the Asset Moves data entry window.
The Edit Record button is on the far, right-hand side of each move record in the Moves section.
- Click the Edit Record button.
- View and enter data in the Asset Moves data entry window.
Go to a Work Order Completed on an Asset
You can click any work order record in the History section to go to the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen—in the Work Orders module.
- Note that the Asset is automatically listed in the Assets tab of the Work Order Detail screen.
- Click any work order record in the History section to view the details about that work order.
Add a Document to an Asset
The Add Document button is above the right-hand side of the documents list on the Documents tab of the Asset Detail screen.
- Click the Add Document button to open your operating system's file-upload dialog box.
- Follow your operating system procedure to locate and upload the document.
- Note that the document will immediately, and automatically appear in the document list as soon as it is finished uploading.
Edit A Document Attached to an Asset
After the document record is created, you can come back to it later to view and edit the data in the Edit Document data entry window.
- The Edit Record button is on the far, right-hand side of each document record on the Documents screen.
- Click the Edit Record button to open the Edit Document data entry window.
- View and Edit information in the Edit Document data entry window.
- Click Upload New Version to open your operating system file selection dialog box.
- Click Download to open your operating system file directory dialog box.
- You can save a copy of the document in any directory you have access to.
- Changes to the copy of the document do not affect the original in Performo.
- Click View to open the document in an application that can read that file type.
Go to the Document Detail Screen
- Click any document record in the in the Documents list to go to the Document Detail screen—in the Documents module.
Add a PM Schedule to the Asset
The Add PM Schedule button is on the upper, right-hand side of the PM Schedules tab of the Asset Detail screen.
- Click the Add PM Schedule button to go to the Overview tab of the PM Detail screen
- Begin entering a new PM Schedule for the asset.
- Note that the asset is automatically added to the Assets tab of the PM Detail screen.
- The little number 1 to the right-hand side of the Assets tab tells you that there is one asset listed in the assets portal.
Go to PM Calendar
- Click the View PM Calendar button to view the PM Calendar.
- Choose an option to view the calendar the way you want the data displayed.
- The default screen is
PM View
.- You can choose to view the PM Schedules by
or byYear
.- You can also choose to view the
calendar or theJob Type
calendar.- Hover over any PM in the calendar to view details about the PM Schedule.
- Click any PM Schedule on the calendar to view the Overview tab of the PM Schedule Detail screen.
Print the PM Forecast Report
- Click the Actions Menu button to view options available.
- Click PM Forecast Report option to view the PM Forecast Report Setup window.
The PM Forecast Window
- Choose the options you need for the PM Schedule Forecast and click the Proceed button.
- The PM Schedule Forecast will print a list of all the PM work orders that will be created including the date they will appear on your Work Orders List screen.
Create Work Orders from Found Set
- Click the Actions Menu button to view options available.
- Click Create Work Orders from Found Set to view the confirmation window.
- This will create new work orders from each PM Schedule in the Found Set.
- Click Proceed to create a new work order from each PM Schedule in the Found Set.
Print the PM Schedules List Report
The PM Schedules List Report is based on the Found Set and is displayed sorted as it is on screen. Therefore, prior to printing the PM Schedules List Report you have the option of creating the exact Found Set that you want, and then sorting it the way you want it sorted.
- Click the Actions Menu button to view options available.
- Click Print the PM Schedules List Report to view the Edit Report Title window.
- Edit or accept the default report title to view the print preview.
- Click Ok to view the Print Preview.
- Note that the report is sorted by assignee and displays only the PM Schedules from the Center1 building.
Edit a PM Schedule
The Edit Record button is on the far, right-hand side of each PM Schedule record in the list.
- Click the Edit Record button to view the Edit PM Schedule data entry window.
- View and edit data in all the fields in the window.
Go to the PM Schedule Detail Screen
You can view and edit all the data about the PM Schedule on the detail screens of the PM Schedule module.
- Click any record in the PM Schedules list to go to the Overview tab of the PM Schedule Detail screen.
- View and edit data on the detail screens of the PM Schedule module.
Create a New PM Schedule
- Click the Add New PM Schedule button to go to blank copy of the Overview tab.
- Use the Overview tab to begin entering and editing basic details about the new PM Schedule.
- Notes
- The red message at the bottom of the screen tells you that the PM Start date is missing.
- You enter the PM Start Date on the Scheduling screen.
- Click the Active checkbox in the General section
you fill out the Scheduling screen.
Change the PM Number
- Click the Change PM Number button. to view the PM Order Number window.
- Enter the new and unique PM schedule order number and click OK to change the PM number permanently.
Set the Next Scheduled PM
- Click the Next Scheduled PM field to view the date picker calendar.
- Use your pointing device to choose a date.
- You can also click the Next Scheduled PM field a second time to use your keyboard to manually enter a date.
- Note that you can also set a start date for each work order created from this PM Schedule.
- The General section also displays the date the last time the PM Schedule created a work order.
- Click the Skip to Next PM: [on] <date> button if the PM work order for the current date is not needed.
- The window displays the next date the PM Schedule will create a Work Order.
Estimate Hours And Set A Target Due Date
- Click the Target # field to set a default for the number of days allowed for the work order to be completed.
- The work order will be overdue after this number of days.
- Click the Estimated Hours field to set a default for the amount of time it should take to complete the work order once started.
- if this work order isn't done in four hours or less by the fifth day after assignment, there better be a damn good reason why not.
Repeat Until
You can determine how far into the future the PM Schedule will continue to create work orders.
- Click the Repeat Until field to view the calendar picker window.
- Use your pointing device or the keyboard to enter a date.
- If you do not enter a date, the PM Schedule will continue to issue PM work orders indefinitely.
PM Schedules for quarterly, semi-annual, and annual preventive maintenance sometimes occur on the same date. Additionally, in some cases, these PM Schedules occasionally specify the same procedures, tasks, or responsibilities. When this occurs, you can specify which PM Schedule will supersede the other PM Schedules that occur on the same day.
- Click the Supersedes PM field to view the value list of PM Schedules.
- scroll down the list using your pointing device or the keyboard to choose the PM that should be superseded.
Frequency Section
Frequency settings determine the interval.
- Click one of the Frequency radio buttons to indicate the PM Schedule interval.
- The values next to
a PM work order will be generated every
are automatically calculated and displayed for Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual frequencies.
- Click the Custom radio button.
- enter a whole number in field 1.
- choose
, oryears
from the value list in field two.
Frequency Options
Frequency Options | Description |
Daily | Every 1 day |
Monthly | Every 1, 2, or 4 months + day number of month or day of week number |
Quarterly | Every 3 months + day number of month or day of week number |
Semi-Annual | Every 6 months + day number of month or day of week number |
Annual | Every 1 year + day number of month or day of week number |
Custom | Every: choose a whole number + days , weeks , months , or years |
Type and Restrictions
You can determine what to do if the scheduled PM work order is to be created when the previous work order is not completed yet. You can also restrict the the creation of new PM work orders to checked months.
PM Schedule Type | Description | Comments |
Normal | Always create a new PM work order. | creates a record of PM work orders generated. This is useful for seeing the backlog of open PM work orders and the number that were completed on time or after their scheduled target date. |
Skipping PM | Skip, if the last work order is still open | You might use this for a meter reading. You do not need two open PM work orders to read the same meter at the same time. |
Floating PM | Schedule the next PM work order according to the interval when the most recent PM work order is closed. | You might use this for an oil or filter change. This time, you need the next change the correct interval after the most recent one. |
Regenerate Dates
You can view the schedule of PM work orders in the Forecast Dates section. If you change the frequency of the PM schedule, you can regenerate the forecast dates.
- View and edit the Frequency section of the Scheduling screen.
- Click the Regenerate Dates button.
- Enter the end date of the forecast.
- Click OK button.
Add an Asset to the PM Schedule
You can add one or more assets to the PM Schedule. The Assets you add to the PM Schedule will appear on work orders created by the PM Schedule.
PM Schedule Labor
- Click the Add New Labor button to view the Edit Labor window.
- blank line automatically added to Labor portal.
- Click the Name field to choose the labor assignment.
- Rate is automatically added when you choose a name.
- Enter Hours
- Amount is calculated and displayed automatically.
- Enter Override amount, if necessary.
- Enter Estimated Hours in the use-case scenario that you want the PM work order to take a certain amount of time, but you do not want to pre-load a labor entry.
- Click the Edit Labor button to view and edit previously entered time entries.
PM Schedule Parts
- Click the Add New Parts button to view the Pick Parts window.
- Click the Add Parts button to view the Pick Parts data entry window.
Found Set Count
displays the number of parts records in the Pick Parts data entry window
- if the number is very large you can use filters to reduce, refine, and restrict the Found Set.
Type Filter
Choose a type to display only those parts in the Found Set portal
Warehouse Filter
Choose a warehouse to display those parts in the Found Set portal- Click Find to display a blank parts record.
- Use the blank parts record to enter what you know about the part you want to find.
- Click Find again to display all the parts that match the value or values you entered
Picked Checkbox
Click the picked-checkbox
- Put a checkmark in the Picked checkbox to choose to add that part to work orders created by the PM Schedule.
- Click Return With Pick to add the parts with the picked checkbox checked to work orders created by the PM Schedule.
Duplicate a PM Schedule
- Click the Actions Menu button to view the Actions menu.
- Click Duplicate PM option to proceed.
- Click OK to confirm that you want to proceed with duplicating the PM.
- If Assets are attached, Click Ok to also duplicate the assets on the new PM Schedule.
- The PM is automatically added to the list.
- Go to the Scheduling tab and change settings as needed.
- Go to the Overview screen and change Assignee and Location as needed.
- Go to the Procedure screen and view and edit procedures as needed.