Work Order Calendar Screen

About the Work Order Calendar Screen

You use the Work Order Calendar screen to view a Found Set of work orders on a calendar.

The default view for the Work Order Calendar screen is

  • the Work Order view
  • by month
  • for the Found Set of work orders
    • when you clicked on the Calendar button.



Things You Can Do On the Work Order Calendar Screen

The Work Order View


Click WO to view the work orders on a calendar.

Month View


Click Month to view the work orders on a calender, one month at-a-time.


Notes About the Month View

Hover to view details about a work order.
Click any work order listing to go the the Work Order Detail for that work order.

Week View


Click to view the work orders on a 7-day calendar.


Notes About the Week View

Hover to view details about a work order.
Click any work order listing to go the the Work Order Detail for that work order.

Year View


Click to view the work orders on a 7-day calendar.


Notes About the Year View

Hover to view details about work orders on that date.
Click any work order in the list to go the the Work Order Detail for that work order.

Worker View


Click Worker View to see the Found Set of work orders listed on a calendar by worker.


Notes About the Worker View

Hover to view details about a work order.
Click any work order listing to go the the Work Order Detail for that work order.

Job Type View


Click Job Type View to see the Found Set of work orders listed on a calendar by job type.


Notes About the Job Type View

Hover to view details about a work order.
Click any work order listing to go the the Work Order Detail for that work order.

Change Date Types

You can view work orders on the calendar based on Start Dates or Target Dates.

Click the Date Type field to change the type of dates that are displayed on the calendar.


Change Date Range

You can change the dates the calendar displays by going forward or back one week, month or year depending on the selection on the right-hand side of the screen. You can also go directly to work orders on the current day of the week, month, or year.

Click the date range buttons to go forward, back, or to the current date.
