
Overview of the Worker List Screen

The Worker List is a high-level overview of field engineers, technicians, and people who are assigned to complete work orders. You use the Worker List screen to add workers and to view and edit previously created workers.


Tools to Search and Filter Data

There are multiple tools on the List screen to search and filter the Found Set so that you can view exactly the work orders you need to.

Find records using:

  1. The Global Search Field
  2. The Filters Window

Things You Can Do on the Worker List Screen

  1. Add a Worker Record
  2. Print the Worker List Report
  3. Print the Daily Activity Report
  4. Delete a Worker

Add a Worker

  1. Click the + Worker button to view the Worker Detail screen.
  2. Begin entering data in the Worker Information section of the Worker Detail screen. blank-worker-detail
  3. Check the Supervisor checkbox to set up the worker with that privilege.
    • Supervisors can be reassigned work orders by workers with the "Reassign Orders To" privilege.
  4. Click the Trades & Routing tab to add Trades.
    • Trades, or Teams, are used in worker privilege sets to determine who can view, edit, and reassign work orders.
  1. Click the Actions Menu button and choose Worker List Report to open the Edit Report Title window.
  2. Edit or accept the default report title and click OK.
  3. Options on the Print Preview Screen
    • Note that the print preview is displayed with the same Found Set and sort order as the Worker List screen.
  1. Click the Actions Menu button and choose Daily Activity Report to open the Edit Report Title window.
  2. Edit or accept the default report title and click OK.
  3. Options on the Print Preview Screen

Delete a Worker

  1. Click the Delete button to open the confirmation window.
  2. Click Delete to confirm that you want to remove the worker record permanently with no undo.
  3. Additional details about Deleting a Record

Overview of the Worker Detail Screen

You use the Worker Detail screen to add workers, and to view and edit details about previously created workers.


Things You Can Do on the Worker Detail Screen

  1. Add a Worker
  2. Add the Worker to a Vendor
  3. View the field engineers Work Order list
  4. Assign Entities Where Workers Can Be Assigned Work Orders
  5. Set Up the Worker Account for the Performo Worker System
  6. View and Edit the Worker Trades
  7. Add, view and edit timecard entries

View the Field Engineer Work Order List

  1. Click the Work Orders tab to view the work orders for that field engineer.
  2. Click any work order in the portal to go to the Overview tab of the Work Order Detail screen.
  3. Click the Show Status button and choose a value to filter the Found Set of work orders in the portal.
  4. Click the Show All button to reset.

Assign Entities Where Workers Can Be Assigned Work Orders

Entities are collections of buildings which are locations where asset management and maintenance take place. When you assign an entity to a worker, the worker can be assigned work orders at those locations.

  1. Click the Entity tab to view locations where the field engineer may be assigned to complete a work order.
  2. Click the New button to add a new entity for the worker.
  3. Click the ID field to choose the entity you want to add.

Set Up the Worker Account for the Performo Worker System

You use this screen to set up access and account privileges for the web-based Performo Worker System. Note that setting up the Worker Account for the Performo Worker System is composed of three components.

  • The first component is to create the worker account that grants access to the worker for the Performo Worker System.

    • This step creates the account and sends an email notification to the worker.
    • The email notification includes credentials and the URL of the Performo Worker System.
  • The second component is to assign the worker to the entities where they can view and edit work orders when they log in.

  • The third component is to specify privileges and permissions that the worker has to view and edit work orders at those entities.

The next subsections will describe how to understand and undertake this process successfully.

Create the Worker Account for the Performo Worker System

This is the first component mentioned in the Set Up the Worker Account For the Performo Worker System section above.

  1. Click the Worker Account tab to start setting up the worker's access to the web-based Performo Worker System. worker-account-tab
  2. Click the Username / Password Type field to and choose either User self-managed or Single Sign On.
    • If you are unsure which option your institution is using, check with your Solution Admin or Wizard Project Manager.
  3. Click the Role field and choose Worker role-field
  4. Click the Create Account button to send credentials to the field engineer. create-account-button

Assign the Worker to the Entities Where They Can View and Edit Work Orders When They Log In

This is the second component mentioned in the Set Up the Worker Account For the Performo Worker System section above.

After the account is created, the next step is to assign the worker to the entities where they can be assigned privileges to view and edit work orders when they log in to the Performo Worker System.

  1. Check the checkboxes for the entities that you want the worker to have work order privileges in.

Establish The Privileges Workers have to View and Edit Work Orders

This is the third component mentioned in the Set Up the Worker Account For the Performo Worker System section above.

After the Entity checkboxes are checked, the next step is to specify privileges for each worker. These privileges specify what the worker has permission to do with work orders.

Can View Orders


OwnWork orders specifically assigned to them
Own and TeamWork orders specifically assigned to them and also the work orders of everybody else with the same trade
AllAll the work orders in all the entities

Can Edit / Reassign Orders


OwnWork orders specifically assigned to them
Own and TeamWork orders specifically assigned to them and also the work orders of everybody else with the same trade
AllAll the work orders in all the entities
LimitedAdd Notes, Parts and Labor entries and close out work orders

Reassign Orders To


NoneNot permitted to reassign work orders to anybody for any reason
Own Supervisor(s)Workers of the same trade AND workers who have the Supervisor checkbox checked on their worker record
Own TeamWorkers of the same trade whether the Supervisor checkbox is checked or not
All SupervisorsAll workers of all trades who have the Supervisor checkbox checked on their worker record
Own Team and All SupervisorsWorkers of the same trade AND all workers in all trades with the Supervisor checkbox checked on their worker record
AnyoneAll workers of all trades in all entities

Can Approve / Deny REQs**


YesCan approve or deny work order requests
NoCannot approve or deny work order requests

Can Add / Remove Orders from Sets


Definition of a Work Order Set
YesCan add or remove a work order from a group of work orders connected together.
NoCannot add or remove a work order from a group of work orders connected together.

Additional Notes

Note: The worker interface settings on the Worker Detail screen also appear on the User Detail Screen User Detail screen.

View and Edit the Worker Trades


You can associate each worker with one or more trades, or teams.

  1. If you permit workers to reassign work orders, one of the options is to reassign the work order to another worker of the same trade.

  2. If automatic work order assignment is setup, you use the Trades and Routing screen to configure a rank for each trade and job type.

  3. Assigning trades also makes it easier to find and assign workers using the Assign Worker window in the Work Orders and PM Schedules modules. assign-worked-data-entry-window

Configure Trades

  1. Click the New button to add a blank row to the Trades and Routing portal. workers-add-new-button.drawio.svg
  2. Click the Trade field and choose the one you want for that worker. trade-value-list.drawio.svg
  3. Click the Job Type field to choose one of the job types in that trade.
    • You can leave this field blank if the worker can be automatically assigned all the job types in that trade.
  4. Click the Rank radio button that corresponds with the priority in relation to other workers of the same trade and job type. rank-radio-buttons.drawio.svg
  5. Click the Auto Assign checkbox so that orders with the trade and job type are assigned to this worker according to the rank radio button selected previously. auto-assign-checkbox.drawio.svg
  6. Check the checkboxes for all the Building IDs where the field engineer should be assigned work orders automatically. building-ID-checkboxes.drawio.svg

Add View and Edit Timecard Entries

You can add new timecard entries to the portal, and you can view and edit timecard entries having been previously entered.


Create a Timecard Entry

  1. Click the New Line button to create a new line in the Timecard portal for the date displayed. new-line-button.drawio.svg
  2. Click the Type of timecard entry you want to create.
    • Note that the date is automatically entered and displayed, based on the date in the calendar above the portal.
  3. Enter the hours for the timecard entry. timecard-hours-field.drawio.svg
  4. Enter Notes for the timecard entry. timecard-notes.drawio.svg