

You use this screen to view and edit timecard entries.

Things You Can Do on the Timecard Screen


Create a New Timecard Entry

Click New Line to view the New Timecard Entry data entry window.


New Timecard Entry data entry window

  • Verify the date is correct.

  • Enter the hours.

  • Click the Type field to view the Type value list.

    • Choose a timecard entry type from the value list.


Entering Time for a Work Order

When you choose "Work Order," for the timecard type, you enter the work order number in the Order # field.

The Work Order field only appears when you choose Work Order for the Timecard type.


Completing the New Timecard Entry

You have the option of entering comments about the timecard entry in the Notes field.

Click Save to complete the timecard entry.


View the List of Timecard Entries

The Timecard screen displays a list of entries recorded manually and automatically.


View and Edit Timecard Details

Click or tap the Edit button to view the Edit Timecard data entry window.


Edit Timecard data entry window

  • You can edit the hours, type, work order number, and, or notes.
  • Click Cancel or Save when you are finished editing data.


Delete a Timecard Entry

  • Click or tap the trashcan icon.
  • Click or tap the Ok button to confirm that you want to delete the timecard entry.


The trashcan icon is the Delete button

Go to Timecards Entered on Any Date

You can view and edit timecard entries from any date.

Click or tap the Date field to view the calendar data entry window.

You can manually enter the date in the date field.

Date format is mm/dd/yy

You can use the calendar to choose any date you need.


Utility Options
